College of Science
Welcome to the College of Science Student Success Scene, a bi-weekly newsletter featuring activities and opportunities especially relevant for science undergraduates. The Science Student Success team is comprised of Terry Ham, International Student Integration and Retention Specialist, Natasha Harris, Associate Director of Science Diversity, Science Diversity, Danielle Sheese, Career Development and Retention Specialist, Laura Starr, Director for Experiential Learning and Student Success, and Connie Kaspar Wise, Associate Director of Science Diversity.
 | Discover the many successes of College of Science students. We're celebrating our students who represent the best of academic achievement and student success.
Join us at the 2021 Student Honors webpage where we celebrate the College's outstanding students, ambassadors, Purdue Science Student Council (PSSC) graduates, Learning Beyond the Classroom Certificate recipients, and Bridging Cultures, Championing Diversity and Promoting Career Development awardees. Read some of our students' success stories and meet our Goldwater awardees.
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Are you interested in making friends from around the world? Are you interested in increasing your marketability by improving your intercultural competence? Do you enjoy learning about other cultures AND sharing things about your own culture?
Join us in Fall 2021 for monthly dinners, trips, and activities (free for you!) that are designed to help you learn about other cultures……..while having fun!
To find out more about the C, click HERE
To sign up for GSP, please click HERE.
For more information contact Terry Ham at:
New students always have many questions, and we feel that you can be a valuable partner in helping them navigate their first steps at Purdue and the College of Science. We are asking you to participate in an email exchange with a first-semester student.
If you participate in this program, you will be required to exchange four or five emails beginning in July through the 2nd week of classes. Entering students will be informed that this is an email-only relationship.
Your role will be to respond to questions about your major, the College of Science, and Purdue in general. You will not be expected to answer any questions about academic requirements and if you find your freshman partner has any, please refer him/her to their advisor. If you would like to be a part of this program, please fill out the survey HERE. It’ll look great on your resume!
Please feel free to contact me should you have any questions. Thank You, Terry hamt@purdue.edu
The CoS Career
Specialist Is Available To Help You
Make an appointment through the Boiler Connect system by choosing the
- Care Unit: Career
/ Preprofessional Advising
- Service: College
of Science Career Specialist
- Reason: Select
from Choices
- Location: CoS
Career Services (Virtual)
- Name: Danielle Sheese
Once an appointment is made a virtual meeting will be set-up. If you have issues scheduling, please call
765-494-1771 and the receptionist will assist you. |
What Services
Does the Career Development Specialist Provide?
- Career
counseling appointments
- Customized
career planning (holistic approach to student marketability at
graduation-how do students set themselves apart from other
- Choosing
a major/career path
- Career
assessment interpretation
- Discover
what students can do with their major
- Discussion
of interviewing strategies/mock interviewing & preparation
- Job/internship
searching-targeted resources
- Presentations
and workshops specifically tailored for College of Science students
- Networking opportunities with College of Science alumni including (Coffee & Conversation events and SCI 490 Course “Dean’s Leadership Forum”)
- And more (including website-https://www.purdue.edu/science/careers)
Remain a step ahead by exploring these summer options for professional development - Develop transferable and technical skills
- Summer school
- Study abroad
- Internship
- Part-time job
- EPICS/VIP programs
- Teaching assistant
- Conducting research
- Attend a conference/webinar
- Volunteering
- Networking
- Create your elevator pitch
- Job searching
- Prepare for grad school
- Informational interviews
- Job shadowing
- Explore career or major
Self-Directed Career Development Resource Guide
To access the guide click the picture above or here |
Use Your Summer to Learn Beyond the Classroom
- Use your LBC reports when preparing for interviews or writing applications for internships, jobs, and graduate and professional schools.
- Take advantage of the summer months to build your portfolio: job shadow, volunteer in your community, join a diversity organization, and get to know people who are different from yourself.
- Submit LBC reports on activities you completed during the school year.
If you have submitted a report, check and see if you have been asked to supply more information. If you find that you have received “0” points on a report, click on your score and you will see what questions you have been asked to answer. Resubmit your report with the required information so that your LBC points can be updated.
If you are graduating in August 2021, Make sure to have completed the requirements for the Certificate by June 20.
Not enrolled in Learning Beyond the Classroom (LBC)? Enroll today! Click Here
We are grateful to our 185 mentors and mentees and 8 leadership team members for caring and helping empower women in STEM, each other, and yourself. You're amazing! Congratulations on completing another semester! |
Fidelity is expanding career Opportunity |
Fidelity Investments is once again expanding career opportunities for undergraduate talent in the Covington, KY region. We are excited to announce that the Fidelity SOAR – Client Service Rotation Program is now hiring May 2020 and May 2021 college graduates.
The Fidelity Soar – Client Service Rotation Program
- Great entry point into the financial services industry
- Gain exposure and experience in just 24 months within three key business units at Fidelity Investments
- Upon completion of the program, explore various opportunities within Fidelity
- Start Date: June 28, 2021
This is a 24 month rotational program aimed at supporting key business units during periods of increased volumes while developing well-rounded customer service leaders through cross-business unit rotations. The program is intended to accelerate skill development and infuse career vitality into our customer facing roles.
Candidate Profile: - May 2020 and 2021 graduates
- Open to all MAJORS
- Service oriented: desires to help, exhibits empathy, has held a customer facing role or internship preferred
- Communications skills: Actively listens, warm and friendly tone, uses proper grammar
- Time management: ability to juggle multiple tasks (phone and operational), exhibits resourcefulness
- Goal oriented: ability to work under pressure of time related metrics, desire to learn and become licensed
- Exhibits autonomy: ability to work from anywhere
Rotations: Associates will support the following businesses: - Personal Investing: Provides a wide range of investment management, retirement, brokerage, and shareholder services along with resource to help Fidelity customers achieve their financial goals
- Workplace Investing: Manages 401K plans for employer clients by offering a broad range of integrated financial, health and benefits solutions and providing innovative technology, strategic collaboration and exceptional service
- Fidelity Charitable – Giving Season: Will work as part of a dedicated service team to provide outstanding service to ultra-high net worth donors and strategic advisor firms.
Core Responsibilities: - Customer Engagement
- Transaction Processing
- Obtain Licensing: Series 7 and 63
- Professional Development
Apply Here
Health Physicist Job Opportunity
The Indiana Department of Homeland Security is looking to hire a qualified individual for the Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Program Specialist. This position is classified as a health physicist. Individuals with a degree in health physics, nuclear engineering, chemistry or related fields of study would be ideal. Below listed a summary of essential functions and qualifications. Please feel free to forward this posting.
The essential functions of this role are as follows: Assists in developing, promoting, coordinating, managing and over-sight of a statewide safe and effective Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Program. This position is responsible for ensuring the Indiana Department of Homeland Security meets the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and Nuclear Regulatory Commission requirements, NUREG 0654,for the off-site response to events at any of the four nuclear power plants which could impact Indiana territory.
Works with state and local stakeholders in the development, maintenance, testing and revision to the statewide REP response plan.
Manages the REP budget with funding provided by the nuclear power utilities and works with these utilities to maintain a contract with the IDHS for support of the Indiana REP Program.
Serves as an Assistant Radiation Safety Officer for the IDHS under the IDHS/Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) license. Must meet or be able to meet the education/training and experience requirements of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to serve as an Assistant Radiation Safety Officer.
Serves as an Authorized User (AU) of radioactive materials under the agency's NRC license. As an AU will assist with training and exercises involving radioactive materials.
Serves as a liaison with the ISDH and the ISDH radiochemistry lab to include any issues involving the NRC, radiation investigations and the REP Program.
Travels extensively throughout the State of Indiana, FEMA Region V, and throughout the United States to coordinate radiological training activities that provide subject matter experts to ensure regulatory compliance and effective radiation knowledge. Attends district, regional, and national meetings, workshops, and training classes for professional development and to maintain training skills. Travel often includes overnight trips.
Apply Here |